C7300/C7500 V2
C9300/C9500 V2
network guide
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document is complete,
accurate, and up-to-date. The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the results of
errors beyond its control. The manufacturer also cannot guarantee that changes in
software and equipment made by other manufacturers and referred to in this guide will
not affect the applicability of the information in it. Mention of software products
manufactured by other companies does not necessarily constitute endorsement by the
While all reasonable efforts have been made to make this document as accurate and
helpful as possible, we make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the
accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein.
Copyright © 2003. All rights reserved.
Document Number 07049401, First Edition December 2003.
Oki is a registered trademark of Oki Electric Industry Company, Ltd.
Microsoft, MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Apple, Macintosh, Mac and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple Computer.
Other product names and brand names are registered trademarks or trademarks of
their proprietors.
Written and produced by the Oki Publications Department.
This product complies with the requirements of the Council
Directives 89/336/EEC (EMC) and 73/23/EEC (LVD) as amended
where applicable on the approximation of the laws of the member
states relating to electromagnetic compatibility and low voltage.
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Uninstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Printing utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
To install the Oki LPR utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Uninstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Microsoft Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Installation of TCP/IP Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Windows 95/98/Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Windows NT 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Windows 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
AppleTalk Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Macintosh OS X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Self-diagnostic test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
TCP/IP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
NetWare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
EtherTalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
NetBEUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Appendix– E-Mail Alert Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Your printer incorporates a fast 100BASE-TX/10BASE-T network
interface. This user’s guide explains the functionality of the built in
network interface. Access for interconnection and producing self-
diagnostic test and configuration printouts is provided via an
interface panel at the rear of the printer.
This network interface supports IEEE802.2, IEEE802.3, Ethernet-II and
SNAP and can detect those frame types automatically.
Also, the interface supports major protocols such as TCP/IP, IPX/SPX
(NetWare), EtherTalk and NetBEUI.
This section details the network interface specification and several
software utilities.
You should set the emulation in the Printer Menu settings to Auto or
PS before printing the self-diagnostic test and settings.
Network Configuration 5
Frame types
IEEE 802.2
IEEE 802.3
Ethernet-II, SNAP, AUTO
Network interface
Network protocols
Network layer
Session layer
Application layer
POP3, SLP, Rendezvous
IPX/SPX (NetWare)
Remote printer mode (up to eight file servers and 32
Print server mode over IPX/SPX (up to eight print servers)
Encrypted password supported in print server mode
Self-diagnostic test printing
Banner supported
Monitoring/configure by Web browser
Printer status notification by E-Mail
Network Configuration 6
Self-diagnostic test
With the printer power switched on, press the push-button located on
the network interface panel (at the rear of the printer) for more than
three seconds and release. The self-diagnostic test results and
configuration settings are printed.
On the first page of the Network Information that is printed out, under
the heading General Information the MAC Address is given. For
MAC Address 00808784E3F1
From this information:
the Ethernet address is: 00:80:87:84:E3:F1
Network Configuration 7
Configuration utility
Available utilities
You can configure the network interface (NIC) by using one of the
following methods:
System requirements
Quick Setup
Configure the NIC easily and simply Windows95/98/Me/NT4.0/2000/
without installing any software XP (TCP/IP protocol or IPX/SPX
packages into your system. You can protocol should be installed).
set the following:
Enable/disable TCP/IP, NetWare,
EtherTalk, NetBEUI protocols.
To create a NetWare queue,
NetWare Client 32 or IntranetWare
Client should be installed in your
Set IP address, Subnet Mask
and Gateway for TCP/IP
manually or by using DHCP.
Set NetWare Mode and create
Queue/Print Server/Printer
Zone name and Port name for
AdminManager Configure the NIC in detail.
XP (TCP/IP protocol or IPX/SPX
protocol should be installed).
To create a NetWare queue,
NetWare Client 32 or IntranetWare
Client should be installed in your
Web browser
Configure the NIC and printer by
using a Web browser such as
Microsoft Internet browser or
Netscape Navigator.
Microsoft Internet Explorer Version
3.0 and higher or Netscape
Navigator Version 3.0 and higher.
Operating system that supports
Web browser.
Configure the NIC using TELNET.
Third-party vendor developed
TELNET client package.
A TELNET Application is standard in
The printer and network card can be Third-party vendor developed
controlled using third-party vendor SNMP application.
developed SNMP application.
Network Configuration 8
Using Quick Setup
Quick Setup utility allows you to configure the network interface
easily and simply without installing any software packages.
You can configure the following:
Enable/disable TCP/IP, NetWare, EtherTalk, NetBEUI protocols.
Set IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway for TCP/IP manually
or by using DHCP.
Set NetWare mode and create Queue/Print Server/Printer
Zone name and Port name for EtherTalk.
Configuration requires a PC with Windows 95/98/Me, Windows 2000
Advanced Server/Professional or Windows NT Server 4.0/Work-
station 4.0, Windows XP running TCP/IP or IPX/SPX (NetWare).
This utility can only be used on a PC that can be connected to the
network with TCP/IP or IPX/ SPX.
This utility must be used on a PC that is located in the same segment
as the printer. To create a NetWare queue, NetWare Client 32 or
IntranetWare Client should be installed in your system.
Network Configuration 9
The following explanation uses Windows 98 as an example.
1. Insert the Network Software CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. The
Setup Utility starts automatically. If it does not start, double-
click \setup.exe (in the root directory) on the CD-ROM.
2. Select [Network Card Setup]
3. Select [Network Card Quick Setup].
4. Select the appropriate language.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
The NetWare Client 32 or IntranetWare Client should be
installed on the PC used for the creation of network queues.
Installation enables the user to create network queues and
perform other functions.
6. If the settings are correct, click [Execute]. The new settings are
transmitted to the network card but the network card is still
operating with pre-transmission settings.
7. Click [Finish] to validate the new settings. Depending on the
model, the printer may have to be switched off and on again.
Using AdminManager
AdminManager is a powerful Microsoft Windows-based utility to
configure all network interface functions easily and intuitively by
using a graphical user interface.
Configuration requires a PC with Windows 95/98/Me, Windows 2000
Advanced Server/Professional or Windows NT Server 4.0/Work-
station 4.0, Windows XP running TCP/IP or IPX/SPX (NetWare).
This utility can only be used on a PC that can be connected to the
network with TCP/IP or IPX/ SPX and must be used on a PC that is
located in the same segment as the printer.
Network Configuration 10
To create a NetWare queue, NetWare Client 32 or IntranetWare Client
should be installed on to your system.
The following explanation uses Windows 98 as an example.
1. Insert the Network Software CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. The
Setup Utility starts automatically. If it does not start, double-
click \autorun.exe (in the root directory) on the CD-ROM.
2. Select [Network Card Setup].
3. Select [Network Card Standard Setup].
4. Select the appropriate language.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions. If you want to install
AdminManager on to your local drive, select [Install and
Execute]. Otherwise, select [Execute from CD-ROM].
6. To run AdminManager, check [Yes] for [Do you wish to execute
AdminManager?] and click [Finish]. Otherwise, uncheck [No] and
click [Finish]].
Network Configuration 11
Select [Start]-[Programs]-[Oki Setup Utility]-[Admin Manager].
File menu
In the [File] menu, the following item can be selected:
Search printers in your network and list all printers that have
the OkiLAN 7100e, 7100e+, 7200e, 7300e and 8100e
Status Menu
In the [Status] menu, the following items can be selected:
Printer Status
Current printer status is displayed:
System Status
Displays current NIC configuration. Configuration data can
be saved as log file.
Display current network status. For further information, see
on-line help file of NetMeter.
Network Configuration 12
List of Configuration Items Displays current NIC configuration. Configuration data can
be saved as log file.
Setup Menu
In this menu, the following items can be selected:
Oki Device Setup
Setup by HTTP
Configure the network interface (NIC).
Launch the default browser in your environment to access the
selected printer’s web page.
Setup by TELNET
Launch TELNET application in your environment to access the
selected printer’s TELNET port.
Note: The TELNET application is not included as part of the NIC
package. Install the TELNET package on to your system. For
further information, see your Windows manual.
Create NetWare Queue Create a NetWare queue.
Delete NetWare Object Delete NetWare object.
Reset the selected network interface card.
Test Print
Print self-diagnostic test pages.
IP Address Setup
Set static IP address of network interface card manually.
Network Configuration 13
Oki Device Setup
Oki Device Setup allows you to configure the network interface. Type
the root password (default value is the last 6 characters of the MAC
address) to configure. Remember that the root password is case
sensitive and if the MAC address contains any alpha characters, type
them as upper case. Oki Device Setup contains details for the
following selectable tabs:
The following section explains each tab’s functionality. Depending on
your printer, some items in the following explanation may not be
General Tab
This allows you to set or change the root password used for Admin
Manager, TELNET and FTP.
Change root password You can set/change the root password for AdminManager,
Network Configuration 14
This allows you to configure TCP/IP related items.
Set TCP/IP protocol as enabled/disabled.
Check this item if IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and IP
addresses for DNS primary server and secondary servers are retrieved
from the DHCP or BOOTP server. Otherwise, uncheck.
Check this item if IP address is retrieved from the RARP server.
Otherwise, uncheck.
IP Address
Set the IP address of the selected network interface card.
Set the subnet mask of the selected network interface card.
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway Set the default gateway of the selected network interface card.
Check this item if you want to add the FTP/LPD banner. Otherwise,
DNS Server . . . Set IP addresses for DNS primary and secondary servers.
Network PnP
Setup ...
Configure items related to Network PnP.
In this dialogue box, the following items can be configured>
Auto IP address
Set to get IP address
dynamically by Auto IP,
enabled or disabled
Use Network PnP
Set notifying users with
using UPnP supported OS
of the printer, enabled or
Device Name
Set the device name for
Network PnP
Netware Tab
This is where you can configure NetWare related items.
Use NetWare Protocol
Set NetWare protocol as enabled/disabled.
Use IPX Protocol / Use TCP/IP Set protocol to use.
Network Configuration 15
Print Server Name
Frame Type
Set Print Server name.
Set primary NetWare frame type.
Set NetWare mode.
Operation Mode
Check box besides Bindery
Check if you want to use the Bindery mode and Bindery
Setup button becomes available. If it is unchecked, the
button is greyed out.
Bindery Setup
Configure items related to Bindery mode.
In this dialogue box, the following items can be configured.
Available File Server and
Selected File Server.
Select file servers to
connect. Up to eight file-
servers can be selected.
Select a server from
Available file server list and
click >> button. The server is
copied to Selected file
server box.
Set password for Print
Job Polling Time.
Set print job polling interval
in seconds.
NDS Setup
Set NDS tree and context where Print Server was created.
Network Configuration 16
Available if you select RPRINTER mode in Operation Mode.
By selecting the [RPRINTER] button, this is displayed:
NDS or Bindery
Show the Available print
server tree in NDS mode or
Bindery mode.
Available print server and
Selected print server
Select file servers to
connect. Up to eight
fileservers can be selected.
Select a server from
Available file server list and
click >> button. The server is
copied to Selected file
server box.
Time Out
Set duration from the last
data’s arrival to freeing of
the port in seconds.
Printer Name
Set the NetWare printer object name.
Network Configuration 17
EtherTalk Tab
This allows you to configure EtherTalk related items
Use EtherTalk Protocol Set EtherTalk protocol to enabled/disabled.
Printer Name
Zone Name
Set EtherTalk Printer object name.
Set the zone name to which the printer belongs.
This allows you to configure NetBEUI related items.
Use NetBEUI Protocol Set NetBEUI protocol to enabled/disabled.
Computer Name
Set a computer name for the printer.
Set a work group name to which the printer belongs.
Set the comments for the printer.
WINS Server ...
Configure items related to the WINS Server.
In this dialogue box, the following items can be configured:
Primary Server
Secondary Server Set WINS Secondary server.
Scope ID Set a Scope ID.
Set WINS Primary server.
Network Configuration 18
This allows you to configure SNMP related items.
This community name is used to check whether incoming SNMP
requests have the correct community name or not. The community
name is displayed as ****** for security reasons.
TRAP Community This community name is assigned to outgoing system traps such as
cold start, authentication failure, etc.
TRAP Address
Set a destination IP address of a Trap packet. If is set, the Trap
is disabled.
Set SysContact (printer manager) name.
Set SysName (printer model name).
Default TTL
Set SysLocation (the location where the printer is installed).
Set TTL (Time To Live) value.
Enable Authentic Set Authentic Trap to enabled/disabled.
Network Configuration 19
Printer Trap
Setup . . .
By selecting the button, the following dialogue box is displayed:
In the dialogue box, the following items can be configured:
Printer Trap
Community Name
This community name is assigned to outgoing
printer status traps such as off-line, paper out,
Detail . . .
Set the IP address to which a Trap packet will be
sent. You can set up to five IP addresses.
By selecting the button, the following dialogue
box is displayed:
In the dialogue box, the following items can be
Trap Enable
Set sending a Trap
packet, enabled or
disabled, for each
Printer Reboot
Receive Illegal
Set sending a Trap
packet, enabled or
disabled, when the
printer is rebooted.
Set sending a Trap
packet, enabled or
disabled, when the
printer receives an
illegal Trap packet.
Set sending a Trap,
enabled or disabled,
when the printer turns
Network Configuration 20
Printer Trap
Setup . . .
Detail . . .
Set sending a Trap,
enabled or disabled,
when the printer turns
Paper Out
Paper Jam
Set sending a Trap,
enabled or disabled,
when paper is out.
Set sending a Trap,
enabled or disabled,
when a paper jam
Cover Open
Printer Error
Set sending a Trap,
enabled or disabled,
when the printer cover
Set sending a Trap,
enabled or disabled,
when any errors occur.
Set node address and network address to which
a Trap packet will be sent.
Detail . . .
By selecting the button, the following dialogue
box is displayed:
In the dialogue box, the following items can be
Trap Enable
Set sending a Trap
packet, enabled or
disabled, for each
Printer Reboot
Receive Illegal
Set sending a Trap
packet, enabled or
disabled, when the
printer is rebooted.
Set sending a Trap
packet, enabled or
disabled, when the
printer receives an
illegal Trap packet.
Network Configuration 21
Printer Trap
Setup . . .
Detail . . .
Set sending a Trap,
enabled or disabled,
when the printer turns
Set sending a Trap,
enabled or disabled,
when the printer turns
Paper Out
Paper Jam
Set sending a Trap,
enabled or disabled,
when paper is out.
Set sending a Trap,
enabled or disabled,
when a paper jam
Cover Open
Printer Error
Set sending a Trap,
enabled or disabled,
when the printer cover
Set sending a Trap,
enabled or disabled,
when any errors occur.
Network Configuration 22
This allows you to configure POP related items.
Use POP3 Protocol
Set retrieving E-Mail via POP3, enabled or disabled.
POP3 Server Address/ Set IP address or host name of POP3 server.
POP3 Port Number
POP3 Server UserID
Set port number of POP3.
Set User ID for POP3 server.
Set password for POP3 server.
POP3 Server
Check if you want to use APOP.
POP3 Interval
Set interval to retrieve E-Mail(s) from POP3 server. Set to OFF if
you do not want to use POP3 function.
Some printers support an email reception function (SMTP/POP3)
allowing the printer to print PDF and text files attached to emails. If the
POP tab is not displayed, your printer does not support this function.
Network Configuration 23
In SMTP Tab, you can configure SMTP related items.
Use SMTP Transmit
Set sending E-Mail via SMTP, enabled or disabled.
Use SMTP Receive
Set receiving E-Mail via SMTP, enabled or disabled.
Set IP address or host name of SMTP server.
SMTP Server
Reply-To Address
E-Mail Address
Set the E-Mail address that is used in the [Reply-To] field in the
mail header.
Set the E-Mail address that is used in the [From] field in the mail
By selecting each button, the following dialogue box is displayed:
In the dialogue box, the following items can be configured:
Available condition Select each E-Mail alert condition.
and Selected
Select a condition from Available Condition
list and click >> button. The selected
condition is copied to Selected condition
list. Available conditions are:
Off line, Consumable Message, Toner Low/
Out, Paper Low/Out, Paper Jam, Cover
Open, Stacker Error, Mass Storage Error,
Recoverable Error, Service Call Request and
Finisher Error.
Network Configuration 24
To Address 1—5
Set E-Mail addresses to that E-Mail should
be send. Up to five E-Mail addresses can be
Check Interval
Set interval that the printer checks
specified event(s). An E-Mail is sent when
specified event(s) occurs when DISABLE is
Advanced . . .
By selecting the button, the following dialogue box is displayed:
In the dialogue box, the following items can be configured:
SMTP Port Number
Set port number of SMTP.
Set up to four signature lines. Signatures
added to the bottom of an E-Mail.
Network Configuration 25
Create a NetWare Queue
By selecting this item, you can create a NetWare queue on the
NetWare server from AdminManager.
NetWare Client 32 or IntranetWare Client should be loaded on
the PC on which the AdminManager runs. Also the client
package should be configured to access NetWare NDS network
or bindery network.
You should login to NetWare servers as a user who can create
objects on the servers. If you want to create a queue with the
remote printer mode on NetWare 4.1, you should select NDS
mode. You cannot create a queue if Bindery mode is selected.
1. Select [Create NetWare Queue] from the [Setup] menu.
2. Select [Next] button.
3. Select either [NDS mode] or [Bindery] mode depending on your
network environment.
Network Configuration 26
4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Mode Location PSERVER/ Print
PSERVER mode Current Print
Set queue
Current Printer
should be
Server name is name and its name is used.
volume for the
Select existing Set queue
Current Printer
Print Server.
name and its name is used.
volume for the
Bindery File server
should be
PSERVER mode Current Print
only Server name is name for the
Set queue
Current Printer
name is used.
5. Confirm your configuration. If it is correct, select [Execute].
6. Select [Finish] button. If necessary, select [Setup]—[Oki Device
Setup] and continue your configuration.
Network Configuration 27
Delete NetWare Object
By selecting this item, you can delete a NetWare queue/print server/
printer from NetWare server via AdminManager.
NetWare Client 32 or IntranetWare Client should be loaded on to
the PC on which the AdminManager runs. Also, the client
package should be configured to access NetWare NDS network
or bindery network. You should login to NetWare servers as a
user who can delete objects on the servers.
1. Select [Delete NetWare Object] from [Setup] menu.
2. Select an object you want to delete and click [Delete] button.
3. To exit from this dialogue box, select [Quit].
IP Address Setup
If you only use TCP/IP and the printer has not yet been configured,
occasionally it may not be displayed on AdminManager. You can
configure the IP address of the printer by this function.
1. Select [IP Address Setup] from the [Setup] menu.
2. Set [Ethernet Address] and [IP Address] and select [OK].
The Ethernet Address (MAC address) is displayed during the
self-diagnostic test.
3. AdminManager asks if you want to initialise the network
interface card or not. Select [Yes].
Network Configuration 28
Option Menu
In the [Option] menu, the following item can be selected:
Use TCP/IP Protocol If this item is selected, AdminManager uses TCP/IP protocol to
search/configure network interface cards.
If this item is selected, AdminManager uses IPX/SPX protocol to
search/configure network interface cards.
Environment Setup TCP/IP Tab
Set broadcast addresses that are used to
search printers using the TCP/IP protocol. If
[Use TCP/IP protocol] is unchecked, the
search will not be carried out using TCP/IP.
NetWare Tab
Set network addresses that are used to
search Oki printers via NetWare protocol. If
there any many NetWare file servers on your
network, specify the network address to
which the network card belongs. If [Use
NetWare protocol] is unchecked, the search
will not be carried out using NetWare, but if
[Auto Search] is selected, AdminManager
will search all networks that AdminManager
can detect.
TimeOut Tab
[Search Every]: Set response waiting time
from a network card in seconds.
[Time Out]: Set time out between
AdminManager and the network interface
card in seconds.
[Retry]: Set how many times the retry will be
carried out between AdminManager and the
network interface card.
Help Menu
In the [Help] menu, [About] is available as well as revision information
for AdminManager.
Network Configuration 29
Using a Web browser
If the printer is connected to the network using TCP/IP, its settings
and the printer menu settings can be configured using a Web browser,
such as Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 3.0 and higher, or
Netscape Navigator version 3.0 and higher. No guarantees are offered
for other browsers. Refer to the relevant manuals for details of how to
launch and use the browser.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
a. Select [Internet Options] in the [Tools] menu.
b. Click on the [General] tab and click [Settings] in [Temporary
Internet files].
c. Select [Every visit to the page] in [Check for newer versions
of stored programs].
Netscape Navigator
a. Select [Settings] in the [Edit] menu
b. Click [Cache] in [Details].
c. Select [Once per session] in [Document in cache is
compared to document on network].
d. If you change the window size of the browser immediately
after changing the configuration, the [Security information]
may be displayed. Uncheck [Display this message next
time] in the dialogue.
4. After making changes, click [Submit].
Default user name and password
To apply configuration changes using a Web browser, you will be
prompted for a username and password. The username is [root] and
the default password is the last six characters of the Ethernet (MAC)
address (any alpha characters must be in upper case).
Network Configuration 30
The root password can be changed to allow you to configure the
printer by using a Web browser/TELNET/AdminManager. To change
the root password, select “Password Configuration” in the
Maintenance tab and follow the on-screen instructions.
Adjusting printer settings
The network addresses used in this manual are shown as examples
only. Network addresses used in your installation must be generated
from your own network.
1. Configure the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway for the
network card. Launch the Web browser, enter the IP Address of
the network interface card in [Address (Location/Position)] and
press the [Enter] key. The Printer Status screen is displayed.
2. Select a tab and items to be changed in the left frame. You need
to log in as “root” to be able to configure all items. Non-root
users cannot configure all items.
3. To ensure correct operation, follow the procedure below for the
appropriate network browser.
Network Configuration 31
The printer can be configured using TELNET. TELNET requires the
printer to have a valid IP address configured. If the printer already has
an IP address configured, skip steps one to three below.
Note: Please ensure a valid IP address for your network
environment is used. Use of an incorrect IP address can cause
serious problems on your network.
The following explanation uses Sun Solaris 2.4 as an example. The
method of configuring commands may differ between workstations.
Refer to the workstation’s manual.
1. Login as [root].
If you do not have Superuser rights, the network manager should run
the configuration.
2. Set a temporary IP Address on the NIC using the ARP command.
Example: for IP address and network card address
# arp –s 00:80:87:01:00:D2 temp
The Ethernet address (MAC address) is displayed during the self-
diagnostic test. A temporary address does not need to be set if an IP
address has already been set.
3. Use the PING command to confirm the connection with the
network card.
Example: for IP address
# ping
If there is no reply, there is a problem with the configuration of the IP
address (the IP address has been already set manually or
dynamically), or with the network. Reset the network interface card
settings to default and try to set temporary IP address. If you still have
the problem after resetting the network interface card, consult the
network manager.
Network Configuration 32
4. Login to the network card using TELNET.
Example: for IP address
$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is ‘^]’.
EthernetBoard OkiLAN 8100e Ver 01.50 TELNET
login: root
‘root’ user needs password to login.
User ‘root’ logged in.
No. Message Value (level.1)
1:Setup TCP/IP
2:Setup SNMP
3:Setup NetWare
4:Setup EtherTalk
5:Setup NetBEUI
6:Setup printer trap
7:Setup SMTP (E-Mail)
8:Setup POP (E-Mail)
10:Setup printer port
11:Display status
12:IP Filtering Setup
97:Network Reset
98:Set default (Network)
99:Exit setup
Please select (1-99)?
5. Enter the number of the items to be changed and the details
screen for that item is displayed. The menu has a hierarchical
structure as follows.
Network Configuration 33
Telnet hierarchical structure.
1: Setup TCP/IP
1: TCP/IP protocol
2: IP address
3: Subnet Mask
4: Default Gateway
5: RARP protocol
6: DHCP/BOOTP protocol
7: Auto IP Address
8: DNS server(Pri.)
9: DNS server(Sec.)
10: Root password
11: Auto Discovery Setup
1: Network PnP
2: Rendezvous
3: Printer Name
99: Back to prior menu
99: Back to prior menu
1: SysContact
2: Setup SNMP
2: SysName
3: SysLocation
99: Back to prior menu
Network Configuration 34
3: Setup NetWare
1: NetWare protocol
2: Protocol
3: Frame Type
4: Printer Name
5: NetWare Mode
6: Setup PSERVER (IP)
1: NDS Tree
2: NDS Context
3: Print Server Name
4: Password
5: Job Polling Time
99: Back to prior menu
1: NDS Tree
2: NDS Context
3: Print Server Name
4: Password
5: Job Polling Time
6: Bindery mode
7: Setup PSERVER (IPX)
7: File Server 1 ~
14: File Server 8
99:Back to prior menu
1: Print Server 1 ~
8: Print Server 8
9: Job Timeout
99: Back to prior menu
99: Back to prior menu
1: EtherTalk protocol
2: Printer Name
4: Setup EtherTalk
5: Setup NetBEUI
3: Zone name
99: Back to prior menu
1: NetBEUI Protocol
2: Computer name
3: Workgroup name
4: Comment
5: Setup WINS
1: WINS Server (Pri.)
2: WINS Server (sec.)
3: Scope ID
99: back to prior menu
99: Back to prior menu
Network Configuration 35
6: Setup printer trap
1: Prn-Trap Community
2: Setup TCP#1 trap ~
6: Setup TCP#5 trap
1: TCP#1~5 Trap Enable
2: Printer Reboot Trap
3: Receive Illegal Trap
4: Online Trap
5: Offline Trap
6: Paper Out Trap
7: Paper Jam Trap
8: Cover Open Trap
9: Printer Error Trap
10: TCP#1~5 Trap Address
99: Back to prior menu
1: IPX Trap Enable
2: Printer Reboot Trap
3: Receive Illegal Trap
4: Online Trap
7: Setup IPX Trap
5: Offline Trap
6: Paper Out Trap
7: Paper Jam Trap
8: Cover Open Trap
9: Printer Error Trap
10: IPX Trap Address
11: IPX Trap Net
99: Back to prior menu
99: Back to prior menu
7: Setup SMTP (E-Mail) 1: SMTP Transmit
(See “Appendix– E-Mail
Alert Function” on
page 105.)
2: SMTP Receive
3: SMTP server name
4: SMTP port number
5: E-Mail address
6: Reply-to address
7: Destination address 1 ~ 1: To Address 1—5
11: Destination address 5
2: Notify Mode
3: Check time (hours)
4: Consumable Warning
5: Consumable Error
6: Maintenance Warning
7: Maintenance Error
8: Paper warning
Network Configuration 36
9: Paper Error
10: Printing Warning
11: Printing Error
12: HDD/Flash Memory
13: Print Result Warning
14: Print Result Error
15: Other Error
16: Interface Warning
17: Interface Error
1: Printer Model
2: Network Interface
3: Serial Number
4: Asset Number
5: System Name
6: System Location
7: IP Address
12: Additional Info
8: Ethernet Address
9: Computer Name
10: Printer URL
99: Back to prior menu
13: Comment line 1 —
16: Comment line 4
99: Back to prior menu
1: Web Service
9: Maintenance
2: Web (IPP) Port No.
3: Telnet Service
4: FTP Service
5: SNMP Service
6: LAN Scale
7: Default TTL
99: Back to prior menu
1: BOJ String
10: Setup printer port
2: EOJ String
3: BOJ String(KANJI)
4: EOJ String(KANJI)
5: Printer Type
6: TAB Size (char.)
7: Page Width (char.)
8: Page Length(line)
9: FTP/LPR Banner
99: Back to prior menu
Network Configuration 37
11: Display status
1: prn1
2: Network
3: Version
99: Back to prior menu
1: IP Filtering
12: IP Filtering Setup
2: IP Address range 1 ~
11: IP Address range 10
1: Start Address
2: End Address
3: Printing
4: Configuration
99: Back to prior menu
12: Admin IP Address
99: Back to prior menu
97: Network Reset
98: Set default
99: Exit setup
5. When configuration is complete, select [Exit Setup] to save your
change. To exit without saving your modification, select [Quit].
6. Turn the printer off and on again.
The network card continues to use pre-transmission settings until the
printer is turned off and back on again.
Network Configuration 38
Using SNMP
The printer and network card can be managed via a standard SNMP
management station. The network card supports SNMPv1, MIB-II and
Oki Data Private MIB. In order for the printer to be managed correctly
from an SNMP management station, the Oki Data Private MIB needs to
be added to that management station. Please refer to the SNMP
manager documentation for information on how to do this.
The Oki Data Private MIB file can be found in the MIB folder on the
Network Software CD- ROM. Please refer to the readme file in the MIB
folder for further information.
The printer’s trap address can be set in five places using TCP/IP and
in one place with IPX.
Printer trap settings can be made with TELNET and a Web browser.
Network Configuration 39
Management utility
PrintSuperVision is a web-based application for managing printing
devices connected to a network. It consists of two parts:
web application based on Microsoft web server (Internet
Information Server, IIS or Personal WEB Server, PWS), that provides
the user interface.
A monitoring program (PrintSuperVisor) that runs all the time,
collecting data and saving it in a database for statistical reports and
sending E-Mail alerts based on the saved configuration.
PrintSuperVision requires the .NET environment to be installed on the
PC on which it runs. The supplied installer will install this if necessary.
PrintSuperVision’s main functions are:
Maintaining the list of printing devices and organising them in
logical groups.
Initially discovering and configuring printers connected to the
Locating printers visually on maps.
Monitoring devices over time and saving data for statistical
Sending email alerts when events occur that affects the
functionality of printers.
Statistical reports about usage of printers.
Tracking maintenance data related to printers.
Identifying part numbers of consumable items for use with your
Integrating with Oki Data’s on-line web support (for US and
PrintSuperVision can even manage printers on another network
provided a copy of PrintSuperVision is also running on that
Network Configuration 40
System requirement
The main PrintSuperVision application can be installed in any of the
following Windows systems.
MDAC and .Net
Windows 2003 Server
1. Web Edition
2. Standard Edition
3. Enterprise Edition
4. Datacenter Edition
IIS 6.0 included in the OS.
1. IIS 6.0 installed by default
2, 3, 4. IIS 6.0 optionally
installed (in the CD)
.Net Framework 1.1 installed as
part of the OS.
Windows XP
IIS installed as an option.
Available in the Windows XP available for download from
Install IIS before installing
.Net framework.
MDAC and .Net Framework
Microsoft. MDAC 2.7 and .Net
Framework Version 1.0.3705
included as part of PSV install.
Windows 2000
Internet Service Manager
included in the OS. Available
in the Windows 2000 CD.
Install IIS before installing
.Net framework.
Windows 2000 Server 2.0
/ Advanced Server /
Datacenter Server
Windows XP Home
Works only with PSV
Embedded Web Server,
available in the PSV Install
1. An Embedded Web Server option is provided which does not require IIS.
Supported Browsers
The browsers supported are:
Internet Explorer (IE) 4.01 and above.
Netscape Navigator 4.0 and above.
Opera 5.12 and above.
The PrintSuperVision application can be accessed from any Windows,
Macintosh, Unix, and Linux desktop that support any of the above-
mentioned browsers.
While all the above browsers are supported, PrintSuperVision works
best when used with Internet Explorer. When using the Netscape
browser, do not select the option [Images off]. The hyperlinks may not
work properly. Some versions of Netscape browser do not display the
frames properly, and the [Back] button may not work correctly.
Network Configuration 41
Supported Printers
PrintSuperVision provides general management information for Oki
and non-Oki printers connected to the network. For Oki printers,
additional details, reports and added features are available. The list
below indicates the supported printers as of this release.
OKIPAGE 20 Plus Series
OKIPAGE 20 Series
OKIPAGE 24 Series
While the printer properties are displayed in PrintSuperVision, only a
few of the printer settings can be set. For setting any other printer
settings, a hyperlink to the printer’s web page is provided in
Network Configuration 42
Supported network interface cards
The list of network interface cards supported is listed below:
Network Interface
Supported printer
OkiLAN 8100e
OkiLAN 7300e
C5100, C5300, B4300
C9200, C9400, C9300, C9500, C7200, C7400,
C7100, C7300, C7500
OkiLAN 7200e
OkiLAN 7120e
C9200, C9400, C7200, C7400
ML3320, ML3321, ML3390, ML3391,ML5520,
ML5521, ML5590, ML5591
OkiLAN 3100e
OkiLAN 320e
OKIPAGE 14i, 14ex
OkiLAN 7100e+
Series, OKIPAGE 20 Series,
OKIPAGE 24 Series, OKIPAGE 16n,
5900, OKIFAX 5950, OKIFAX 5980, ML4410
Integral Net. Interface
OkiLAN B83e
C7300 V2, C7500 V2, C9300 V2, C9500 V2
OkiLAN B61e
Network Configuration 43
To install the Print SuperVision utility
WindowsXP/2000/NT4.0 requires administrator privileges.
1. Insert the Network Software CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. The
Setup Utility starts automatically. If it does not start, double-
click setup.exe on the CD-ROM.
2. Select [Software Utilities].
3. Select [Install PrintSuperVision].
4. Follow the on-screen instructions. In the [Edit Data] screen, you
can specify a port number for PrintSuperVision (default 80).
5. When installation ends, the [Setup complete] screen is
displayed. Click [Finish].
6. Now you should select [Start]-[Programs]-[PrintSuperVision]-
[PrintSuperVision] or double-click the [PrintSuperVision] icon on
the desktop for the PrintSuperVision server.
7. For PrintSuperVision client, access [http://[the server IP address
or host name]/PrintSuperVision] from the Web browser. If you
change the port number you should add [:[port number]] such
as [].
8. PrintSuperVision has an on-line help facility.
Network Configuration 44
To uninstall PrintSuperVision, either select [Start]-[Programs]-
[PrintSuperVision]-[Uninstall PrintSuperVision], or from [Control
Panel], select [Add/Remove Programs], select [PrintSuperVision] from
the index window and click [Add/Remove]. When the uninstallation is
completed, close [Add/Remove Programs].
In some cases, an empty [Okidata/PrintSuperVision/] directory may
be left behind. Delete the directory manually.
Network Configuration 45
Printing utility
The Oki LPR Utility is a utility that allows printing data to printers
connected to the network via TCP/IP. This utility is for use with
Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 98, Windows 95
and Window NT4.0.
The utility is for those Oki printers which support TCP/IP and redirects
printing data to the lpr port of the specified IP address.
System Requirement
Windows XP/2000/Me/98/95/NT4.0/Windows Server 2003 with TCP/IP
support and the following Oki printers that support TCP/IP
OKIPAGE 20 Plus Series
OKIPAGE 20 Series
OKIPAGE 24 Series
Network Configuration 46
To install the Oki LPR utility
The Oki LPR utility requires that the TCP/IP protocol should be
installed into your Windows system. To install the TCP/IP protocol into
your Windows system consult your Windows manual.
Windows XP/2000/NT4.0 requires administrator privileges.
1. Set up the printer driver by designating the output destination
to [Local Printer (LPT1:)]. For information on setting up your
printer driver, see the printer user manual.
2. Insert the Network Software CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. The
Setup Utility starts automatically. If it does not start, double-
click setup.exe on the CD-ROM.
3. Select [Software Utilities].
4. Select [Install OkiLPR].
5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
6. Click [Next] when the [Welcome] screen is displayed.
7. Verify [Destination Folder] and [Spool Folder] and click [Next].
8. Check [Register in Startup] if you want automatic startup as
Windows boots up. Check [Launch as minimized] if you want to
startup in the Icon state and click [Next].
9. Verify the program folder name and click [Next]. The installation
10. When the installation ends, the [Setup complete] screen is
displayed. Check [Yes, I want to launch Oki LPR Utility now] and
click [Finish]. Check [Yes, I want to view the ReadMe File] if you
want to read [Readme]. The OkiLPR utility starts.
Network Configuration 47
11. You may be asked whether it is OK to change write permissions
for the spool directory. Click [Yes] to allow the utility to be
correctly installed.
12. Select [Add Printer] on the [Remote Print] menu.
13. Click [Discover…] to search for the IP address of a suitable
printer on your network.
Highlight the printer you will use and click [OK].
If your printer is not discovered, click [Cancel] and you can type
the IP address directly at [IP Address:]
14. Enter an IP address at [IP Address] and click [OK]. A printer is
added to the main window.
Refer to the On-line Help for information on how to use the utility.
1. Stop the Oki LPR Utility.
2. Select [Start]-[Programs]-[Okidata]-[Oki LPR Utility]-[Uninstall
Oki LPR Utility].
You may find this under [Start]-[All Programs] on WindowsXP.)
3. Click [Yes] when the [Confirm File Deletion] dialogue is
displayed. Deletion of the Oki LPR utility starts.
4. When the deletion has finished, the [Uninstall Complete] screen
is displayed. Click [OK].
If a file that has been added after installation exists in the folder to
install the Oki LPR utility or the folder to spool, you cannot delete the
folder. Delete any unwanted files before running [Uninstall Oki LPR
Network Configuration 48
This chapter provides guidelines on how to print over the network
from various Microsoft Windows platforms. There are numerous ways
of printing from Windows and the exact set-up will vary depending
upon your environment. There are also numerous versions of
Windows, which can be configured as either a client, server or both.
Although there are many variants of Windows, the principles of
network printing are the same. Microsoft provides on-line help with
all of their operating systems and this is a good reference point for the
exact details of each configuration option within Windows.
The network printer supports the following protocols that can be used
in conjunction with the Windows operating system:
IPX (Novell NetWare)
Microsoft Windows 49
Installation of TCP/IP Protocol
There are a number of options available when printing using TCP/IP
for Windows. The following table lists the options:
Windows Version
Win 95/98/Me
NT 4.0
Oki LPR Utility
Oki LPR Utility
Microsoft LPR1
Oki LPR Utility
Windows 2000/ Windows XP
Microsoft LPR1
Port 91001
1These functions are built into Windows and are displayed as options when using the Add Printer
Although there are some differences in configuration options
between the various Windows platforms, the procedure for printing
using TCP/IP is the same.
1. Ensure that the TCP/IP protocol has been installed in Windows.
This can be confirmed by checking the network settings from
within the Control Panel. If TCP/IP has not been installed refer to
the section below Installation of TCP/IP protocol.
2. If not already configured, a suitable IP address, Subnet Mask
and Gateway address should be configured. Please refer to the
on-line help if necessary. It is vital that the IP address entered is
unique and valid. Entering an incorrect IP address may cause
severe network problems. Please check the address with the
network administrator.
3. If your network environment uses domain names, DNS should
be enabled and configured on your system. However, this step
is not essential to enable network printing.
4. Restart the operating system.
Microsoft Windows 50
Windows 95/98/Me
1. Click the [Start] button, select [Settings] and then click on
[Control Panel].
2. In the [Control Panel] double-click on the [Network] icon.
3. In the [Network] dialogue box click the [Configuration Panel].
4. If the [Client for Microsoft Networks] is not listed, click the [Add]
5. In the [Select Network Component Type] dialogue box, select
[Protocol] then click the [Add] button.
6. In the [Select Network Protocol] dialogue box, select [Microsoft]
from the list of manufacturers, then select [TCP/IP] from the list
of network protocols, then click [OK].
7. The Windows installation CD-ROM may be required. Follow the
remaining dialogue box prompts.
Windows NT 4.0
1. Click the [Start] button, select [Settings] and then click on
[Control Panel].
2. Double-click the [Network] icon.
3. In the Network dialogue box, click the [Protocols] tab.
4. If the [TCP/IP Protocol] is not listed, click the [Add] button.
5. In the [Select Network Protocol] dialogue box, select [TCP/IP
Protocol] and click [OK].
6. The Windows NT installation CD-ROM may be required. Follow
the remaining dialogue box prompts.
Microsoft Windows 51
Windows 2000
1. Click the [Start] button, select [Settings] and then click on
[Network and Dial-up Connections].
2. Double-click the [Local Area Connection] icon. In the [Local Area
Connection Status] dialogue box, click the [Properties] button.
3. If the TCP/IP protocol is not listed, in the [Local Area Connection
Properties] dialogue box, click the [Install] button.
4. In the [Select Network Component Type] dialogue box, select
[Protocol] and click the [Add] button.
5. In the [Select Network Protocol] dialogue box, select [TCP/IP
Protocol] and click the [OK] button.
6. Click the [Close] button in the [Local Area Connection
Properties] dialogue box.
7. Click the [Close] button in the [Local Area Connection Status]
dialogue box.
Windows XP
1. Click the [Start] button and select [Control Panel].
2. Select [Network and Internet Connection] and [Network
3. Double-click [Local Area Connection] and click [Properties] in
the [Location Area Connection Status] dialogue box.
4. If the [Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)] is not listed, click [Install..]
5. In the [Select Network Component Type] dialogue box, select
[Protocol] then click the [Add] button.
Microsoft Windows 52
6. In the [Select Network Protocol] dialogue box, select [Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP)] then click [OK].
7. The Windows XP installation CD-ROM may be required. Follow
the remaining dialogue box prompts.
Once the protocol has been installed and configured in Windows, the
next step is to configure the TCP/IP parameters in the network printer.
Network printer IP address configuration
Use the Standard Set-up Utility to configure the IP Address, Subnet
Mask and Gateway.
Some steps may not display depending on the network
protocols installed.
1. Connect the printer to the network and turn on.
2. Place the Network Software Utilities disk in the CD-ROM drive.
The set-up utility starts automatically. If the set-up utility does
not start, double-click on setup.exe in the Windows folder of the
3. Select [Network Card Set-up].
4. Select [Network Card Quick Set-up].
5. Click [Next] at Welcome screen.
6. If you agree to the User Licence Agreement, click [Next].
7. Select the appropriate network card, using the Ethernet address
to identify it, and click [Next].
The Ethernet address of the printer can be found on the self-
diagnostic printout, which can be printed by pressing the push-button
on the network card panel for three seconds and then releasing it.
Microsoft Windows 53
Do you use the TCP/IP protocol?
When using lpr in UNIX and other TCP/IP environments, please select
[Yes]. To use in a TCP/IP environment, an IP address should be
assigned to the Ethernet board.
If [Yes] has been selected and TCP/IP is the only working protocol and
the IP address has not already been assigned, you can either obtain
an IP address automatically or assign an IP address.
When [Obtain an IP address automatically] is selected, the device IP
address will be automatically assigned by the DHCP server. In an
environment without a DHCP server, please assign the IP address
If you are assigning an IP address, you need to enter:
An IP address
Submit mask
Gateway address.
8. Click [Next].
Do you use the NetWare protocol?
9. Consult your network manager to ensure that the NetWare file
server is properly installed and working on the network. Make
sure that NetWare Client32 or IntranetWare Client is installed on
your computer.
On selecting [Yes] you will be asked if [You set-up the queue from
the Wizard]?
Do you use the EtherTalk protocol?
EtherTalk is the required protocol for printing data from the Macintosh
Do you use the NetBEUI protocol?
Using NetBEUI makes it easy to manage your Oki product and print
within the network environment of Windows.
Microsoft Windows 54
10. Confirm your configuration. If everything is correct, select
[Execute] to apply the configuration. Set-up has now been
completed. Select [Finish].
Now that both Windows and the printer have been configured to use
TCP/IP, the next step is to configure Windows to print to the network
Windows 95/98/Me
When printing using TCP/IP the OkiLPR utility is the only option to use.
The following procedure should be used.
When installing the driver, ensure it is installed as a local printer and
not a network printer. Ensure the appropriate printer driver has been
installed in Windows.
Install the OkiLPR utility as described on page 47 of this manual and
add the printer installed earlier.
Microsoft Windows 55
Windows NT 4.0
With Windows NT 4.0, you have two options for printing using TCP/IP.
They are:
Microsoft LPR
In order to use Microsoft LPR, it must first be installed into your
operating system.
NT 4.0 requires administrator privileges.
Please follow the procedure described in the Windows 95/98/Me
section on page 55.
Microsoft LPR
To install this port, the following needs to be carried out.
1. Select [Start], [Settings], [Control Panel] and then select
2. Select [Add Printer] Wizard.
3. Select [My Computer] and then [Next].
4. Select [Add Port].
5. Select [LPR Port] and then [OK].
6. In [Name or address of server providing lpd] type the host name
or IP address of the host for the printer you are adding.
Microsoft Windows 56
7. In [Name of printer or print queue on that server] type the logical
printer name "lp" and then click [OK].
8. Follow the instructions on the screen to finish installing the LPR-
compatible printer.
If the LPR port is not available, install the Microsoft TCP/IP Printing
Insert the printer driver for Windows NT4.0.
1. Select [Start], [Settings], [Control Panel] and then double-click
the [Network] icon.
2. In the Network dialogue box, click the [Services] tab.
3. If the [Microsoft TCP/IP Printing] is not listed, click the [Add]
4. In the [Select Network Service] dialogue box, select [Microsoft
TCP/IP Printing] and click [OK].
5. The Windows NT installation CD-ROM may be required. Follow
the remaining dialogue box prompts.
Windows 2000
Windows 2000 requires administrator privileges.
With Windows 2000, there are four options for printing using TCP/IP.
Microsoft LPR
Port 9100
In order to use Microsoft LPR, it must first be installed on your system.
Microsoft Windows 57
Please follow the procedure described in the Windows 95/98/Me
section on page 55.
Microsoft LPR
To install this port, the following needs to be carried out:
1. Select [Start], [Settings], [Control Panel and Printers].
2. Open the [Printers] folder.
3. Double-click [Add Printer] and then select [Next].
4. Select [Local Printer], clear the [Automatically detect my printer]
check box, and then select [Next].
5. Select [Create a new port] and then [LPR Port].
6. Select [Next] and then provide the following information:
In [Name or address of server providing LPD] enter the host name
or Internet Protocol (IP) address of the host for the printer you are
In [Name of printer or print queue on that server] type "lp".
Follow the instructions on the screen to finish installing the TCP/
IP printer.
Port 9100
1. Select [Start], [Settings], [Control Panel].
2. Open the [Printers] folder.
3. Double-click [Add Printer] and then select [Next].
4. Select [Local Printer], clear the [Automatically detect my printer]
check box and then click [Next].
5. Select [Create a New Port] and select [Standard TCP/IP Port].
Microsoft Windows 58
6. Select [Next].
7. The [Welcome to the Add Standard TCP/IP Printer Port Wizard]
will appear.
8. Select [Next] and provide the following information. Enter
[Printer name] or IP address, for example: If the
above IP address is entered, the Port Name will default to
9. Select [Next]. Additional port information will be required.
10. Under [Device Type], select [Custom] then [Settings].
11. Ensure [Protocol] is set to [Raw].
12. Ensure [Port Number] is 9100 and [SNMP Status Enabled] is
13. Select [OK].
14. Select [Follow the instructions on the screen to finish installing
the printer.]
1. Select [Start], [Settings], [Control Panel and Printers].
2. Open the [Printers Folder].
3. Double-click [Add Printer] and then select [Next].
4. Select [Network Printer].
5. Select [Next].
6. Type printer URL in text box labelled [Connect to a printer in the
Internet or your Intranet], e.g.].
7. Select [Next].
8. Install printer driver.
Microsoft Windows 59
Windows XP
Windows XP requires administrator privileges.
With Windows XP, there are four options for printing using TCP/IP.
Microsoft LPR
Port 9100
In order to use Microsoft LPR, it must first be installed on your system.
Please follow the procedure described in the Windows 95/98/Me
section on page 55.
Microsoft LPR
To install this port, the following needs to be carried out:
1. Select [Start], [Settings], [Control Panel]. and [Printers and
Other Hardware].
2. Select [Printers and Faxes].
3. Click [Add Printer] and then select [Next].
4. Select [Local printer attached to this computer], clear the
[Automatically detect and install my Plug and Play printer] check
box, and then select [Next].
5. Select [Create a New Port] and [Type Standard TCP/IP Port].
6. Select [Next].
7. The [Welcome to the Add Standard TCP/IP Printer Port Wizard]
will appear.
Microsoft Windows 60
8. Select [Next] and provide the following information. Enter
[Printer name or IP address], for example: If the
above IP address is entered, the Port Name will default to
9. Select [Next]. [Additional Port Information Required] is
10. Under [Device Type], select [Custom] then [Settings].
11. Ensure [Protocol] is set to [LPR].
12. Ensure [Queue Name] is "lp" and [SNMP Status Enabled] is
13. Select [OK].
14. Follow the instructions on the screen to finish installing the
Port 9100
1. Select [Start], [Settings], [Control Panel]. and [Printers and
Other Hardware].
2. Select [Printers and Faxes].
3. Click [Add Printer] and then select [Next].
4. Select [Local printer attached to this computer], clear the
[Automatically detect and install my Plug and Play printer] check
box, and then select [Next].
5. Select [Create a New Port] and select [Type Standard TCP/IP
6. Select [Next].
7. The [Welcome to the Add Standard TCP/IP Printer Port Wizard]
will appear.
Microsoft Windows 61
8. Select [Next] and provide the following information. Enter
[Printer name or IP address], for example: If the
above IP address is entered, the Port Name will default to
9. Select [Next]. [Additional Port Information Required] is
10. Under [Device Type], select [Custom] then [Settings].
11. Ensure [Protocol] is set to [Raw].
12. Ensure [Port Number] is 9100 and [SNMP Status Enabled] is
13. Select [OK].
14. Follow the instructions on the screen to finish installing the
1. Select [Start], [Settings], [Control Panel]. and [Printers and
Other Hardware].
2. Select [Printers and Faxes].
3. Click [Add Printer] and then select [Next].
4. Select [A network printer, or a printer attached to another
5. Select [Next].
6. Select [Connect to a printer on the Internet or on a home or
office network] and type printer URL in text box, e.g. http://
7. Select [Next].
8. Install printer driver
Microsoft Windows 62
IPX is used with Novell NetWare. The printer supports Novell 3, 4, 5
and 6, and allows print jobs to be directed to the appropriate Novell
print queue. Please refer to the relevant section of this manual for
additional information.
NetBEUI Protocol
NetBEUI is a protocol that was designed for use on small workgroups
or LANs. Within Windows, NetBEUI is used for file and printer sharing
between computers. It provides a simple method of printing but the
protocol does have limitations and is not as robust as TCP/IP or IPX.
Typically it is employed in small or home networks.
Network Printer Settings
There are three configurable items under NetBEUI within the printer.
These can be configured using the standard set-up utility described in
Chapter 1.
Computer Name:
Name assigned to the printer
User definable description
1Although the workgroup name can be changed, it is recommended that it remains as PrintServer.
Although there are some differences in configuration options
between the various Windows platforms, the procedure for printing
using NetBEUI is the same.
Please ensure the NetBEUI protocol has been installed in Windows.
This can be confirmed by checking the network settings. If NetBEUI
has not been installed please refer to the section below.
The relevant Windows installation CD-ROM may be required and you
should follow the on-screen dialogue box prompts.
Novell Netware IPX 63
Windows 95/98/Me
1. Select [Start], [Settings], and [Control Panel].
2. In the Control Panel double-click on the [Network icon].
3. In the Network dialogue box select [Configuration Panel].
4. If [Client for Microsoft Networks] is not listed, click the [Add]
5. In the [Select Network Component Type] dialogue box, select
[Protocol] then the [Add] button.
6. In the [Select Network Protocol] dialogue box, select [Microsoft]
from the list of manufacturers, then select [NetBEUI] from the
list of [Network Protocols] and then click [OK].
7. The Windows installation CD-ROM may be required. Follow the
remaining dialogue box prompts.
Windows NT 4.0
1. Click the [Start] button, select [Settings] and then [Control
2. Double-click the [Network] icon.
3. In the [Network] dialogue box, click the [Protocols] tab.
4. If the [NetBEUI Protocol] is not listed, click the [Add] button.
5. In the [Select Network Protocol] dialogue box, select [NetBEUI
Protocol] and click [OK].
Novell Netware IPX 64
Windows 2000
1. Click the [Start] button, select [Settings] and then click on
[Network and Dial-up Connections].
2. Double-click the [Local Area Connection] icon. In the [Local Area
Connection Status] dialogue box, click the [Properties] button.
3. In the [Local Area Connection Properties] dialogue box, if the
[NetBEUI Protocol] is not listed, click the [Install] button.
4. In the [Select Network Component Type] dialogue box, select
[Protocol] and click the [Add...] button.
5. In the [Select Network Protocol] dialogue box, select [NetBEUI
Protocol] and click the [OK] button.
6. Click the [Close] button in the [Local Area Connection
Properties] dialogue box.
7. Click the [Close] button in the [Local Area Connection Status]
dialogue box.
Windows XP
Although you can install the NetBEUI protocol into Windows XP, it is
not supported. You should be able to use NetBEUI on LAN connections
although you will not be able to use this on a Remote Access Service
1. In the [Start] menu, select [Settings] then [Control Panel].
2. Double-click on [Network Connections].
3. Right-click the adapter you wish to add NetBEUI to and then
click [Properties].
4. On the [General] tab, select [Install].
5. Select [Protocol] and then [Add].
Novell Netware IPX 65
6. Select [Have Disk] and insert your Windows XP CD-ROM, open
the Valueadd\msft\net\netbeui folder, click the Netnbf.inf file
and then click [Open]. Now the printer has been configured and
NetBEUI has been installed, you can configure Windows to print
over the network.
Printer driver configuration
In the following example, the printer has been configured as follows:
Computer Name:
EthernetBoard OkiLAN 8100e
1. Set up the printer driver as the default local printer.
2. In the [Start] menu, select [Settings] then [Printers].
3. Select the relevant printer driver, then [Properties].
4. Click on the [Details] tab in the printer driver.
5. Select [Add Port]. Select [Network] and click [Browse].
6. Double-click [Entire Network], [PrintServer] and [OL07DB85].
7. Select [Prn1] and click OK.
8. Check that [Network] is selected and click [OK].
9. Select [Apply] and [OK] to close [Properties].
Printing can be carried out using the application software.
The Master Browser function manages machine information
from the same Workgroup, and replies to summary requests
from other workgroups.
The Master Browser function operates only if the Workgroup
name is PrintServer.
Novell Netware IPX 66
The Master Browser function can only manage this network
card. If the PrintServer name is put into another Workgroup, the
network card will not be able to find it on the network.
A maximum of eight Ethernets can be managed by the Master
Browser function.
Printing cannot be carried out and an error message appears
when jobs from other users (including other protocols) are
being printed.
Novell Netware IPX 67
Novell Netware IPX 68
The printer supports the Novell NetWare environment.
It is necessary to have NetWare Administrator or Supervisor rights to
change the configuration. This guide is for NetWare administrators. It
should be read in conjunction with the relevant Novell NetWare
manual. The latest Novell service packs and Novell client versions
should be installed.
Supported Versions and Modes
NetWare 3.11 +
NetWare 4.1+
NetWare 5+
NetWare 6
Bindery and NDS
Bindery, NDS and NDPS
Bindery, NDS, NDPS and iPrint
In NDS, the printer can be configured to work in either print server
mode or remote printer mode.
Remote Printer Mode
Remote Printer Mode requires a connection to be made to a
workstation running Pserver. Print jobs are received from the file
server via the NetWare print server. The network interface card
emulates the workstation on which the NetWare Rprinter operates.
Remote Printer Mode adds additional traffic to the network and is
slower than Print Server Mode but does not require any additional
Print Server Mode (Recommended)
In Print Server Mode, the file server is logged in and the printer queue
is repeatedly polled to determine whether a print job exists. The
NetWare print server or workstation where Pserver runs is emulated.
This enables high speed printing without applying a load to the
network. Print Server Mode requires a single user NetWare licence.
Novell NetWare 69
Printing the Network Interface Card Configuration Sheet
The printer’s configuration page reports information that is required
for NetWare configuration. To print a configuration page, while the
printer is switched on, depress the NIC’s push-button for three
seconds and then release.
The information that you require is the printer’s Ethernet address. The
first six characters of the Ethernet address are the same for all OkiLAN
8100e network interfaces. The last six characters of the Ethernet
address are unique to each card
This is all the information that is required to setup the printer for
Setup Utilities
Use NWAdmin32 or the Pconsole utility to create and setup NetWare
printer objects. Please refer to Novell documentation for instructions
on how to achieve this.
Use the OKI Network Card Setup Utility (AdminManager) or other
printer manager software, (Web browser, JetAdmin, etc.) to configure
the network interface card. For instructions please refer to the
Novell NetWare 70
Configuration Utility section and online help. Below is the NetWare
configuration page from AdminManager.
Oki NDPS Gateway
Oki provide a gateway for NDPS. Gateways allow NDPS clients to send
jobs to printers that are not NDPS-aware (that is, printers that are not
equipped with embedded NDPS Printer Agents). You select and
configure a printer gateway when you create a new Printer Agent.
Gateways translate NDPS queries or commands to printer-specific
language that the physical printer can use. This is possible because
gateways are configured to know the specific type (make and model)
of printer being used. The following diagram illustrates a typical
gateway configuration.
Novell NetWare 71
The Oki NDPS Gateway can be installed from the Oki Network CD
under Software Utilities. Please follow on-screen instructions. You
will require a drive mapping to the NetWare server that you are
installing to.
During installation, all files are copied to the SYS:/SYSTEM and
SYS:/PUBLIC/WIN32 directories on the NetWare server
1. To set up the printer to work with the Oki NDPS Gateway, you
should create a NDPS printer object as normal with the
nwadmin32 utility. When you get to the [Create Printer Agent]
screen, under [Gateway Types] there should now be an option
for Oki NDPS Gateway.
Novell NetWare 72
2. Select this and click [OK] to continue. You will then be presented
with the Gateway Configuration Welcome screen, click [Next]
again and select Printer Interface Type, either TCP/IP LPR or
NetWare IPX and select [Next] to continue. (TCP/IP configuration
You will then be requested to enter either the TCP/IP or IPX ad-
dress, depending on the type of interface selected in the previ-
ous screen. If you do not know the address, you are given the
option to search on the network.
Novell NetWare 73
Once you have correctly input your network address you will be
prompted with a [Results] and then a [Summary] screen.
3. Press the [Finish] button on the [Summary] screen so the NDPS
Printer object has now been created and is configured to use the
Oki NDPS Gateway. Below is the Printer Control screen for the
completed printer.
Novell NetWare 74
iPrint is included in NetWare 6 and is Novell’s next generation of
printing software. It is Novell’s implementation of IPP (Internet
Printing Protocol). iPrint allows users to install, manage and print to
printers through Web browsers regardless of where the printer is
physically located or whether they know the printer’s network
address. iPrint runs on top of Novell Distributed Print Services (NDPS)
and provides the following functionality:
Global access to printers.
Customizable view of any print environment.
Flexible print deployment configurations.
Secure printing.
The printer does not require any custom configuration for iPrint. To
enable and configure the iPrint service on your network, please refer
to your Novell NetWare 6 documentation.
Novell NetWare 75
Novell NetWare 76
The printer supports many protocols such as LPD, FTP, TELNET, SNMP
and IPP, and works within the UNIX environment.
To use the network card within the UNIX environment, the following
steps are required:
Network Interface card setting
The first step in installing the network card under UNIX is to set up the
IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway. This section explains one way
to set them up from a UNIX workstation.
The network addresses used in this manual are shown as
examples only. Network addresses used in your installation
must be generated for your own network.
Login as [root] to change the configuration of the printer.
If an incorrect IP address, Subnet Mask or Gateway is entered,
the network may go down or other damage may occur. Check
the address with your network manager.
The following explanation uses Sun Solaris 2.8 (Solaris 8) as an
example. The actual commands may differ between versions of UNIX,
so refer to the workstation manuals for more information.
1. Log in as [root] to the workstation
If you do not have superuser rights, the network manger should
conduct the configuration.
2. If the printer does not have an IP address already assigned, use
the arp command to set a temporary IP address.
Example: for IP address and network card address
# arp –s 00:80:87:01:00:D2 temp
The Ethernet address (MAC address) 00:80:87:01:00:D2 in the above
example can be determined from the network card self-diagnostic
3. Use the ping command to confirm the connection with the
network interface card.
Example: for IP address
# ping
If there is no reply, there is a problem with the configuration of the IP
address (the IP address has already been set manually or dynamically),
or with the network. Reset the network interface card settings to default
and try to set a temporary IP address.
If you still have the problem after resetting the network interface card,
consult the network manager.
4. Login to the network interface card using TELNET.
Example: Logging in to IP address
Connected to
Escape character is ‘^]’.
EthernetBoard OkiLAN 8100e Ver 01.50 TELNET server
login: root
‘root’ user needs password to login.
password: <CR>
User ‘root’ logged in.
No. Message Value (level .1)
1 : Setup TCP/ IP
2 : Setup SNMP
3 : Setup NetWare
4 : Setup EtherTalk
5 : Setup NetBEUI
6 : Setup printer trap
7 : Setup SMTP (Email)
9 : Maintenance
10 : Setup printer port
11 : Display status
12 : IP Filtering Setup
97 : Network Reset
98 : Set default (Network)
99 : Exit setup
Please select (1- 99)?
5. Type 1 and press the [Enter] key. Perform the following settings:
Please select (1- 99)? 1
No. Message Value
1 : TCP/ IP protocol : ENABLE
2 : IP address :
3 : Subnet Mask :
4 : Gateway address :
5 : RARP protocol : DISABLE
6 : DHCP/ BOOTP protocol: DISABLE
7 : Auto IP Address : DISABLE
8 : DNS Server (Pri.) :
9 : DNS Server (Sec.) :
10 : root password : “******“
11 : Auto Discovery Setup
99 : Back to prior menu
Please select (1- 99)?
6. Logout from the network interface card. Turn the printer off and
on again to validate the settings.
Operating system configuration
This section explains how to configure a printer for major UNIX
operating systems.
Sun OS 4.x.x (BSD) configuration
The following explanation uses Sun OS 4.1.3 and a C7300V2 printer
as examples. The absolute path of commands and the configuration
method may differ between OS versions, so refer to the workstation
manuals for more information.
If an incorrect IP Address, Subnet Mask or Gateway is entered, the
network may go down or other damage may occur. Check the address
with the network manager and confirm that the IP address of the
printer has been set.
1. Login as [root] to the workstation.
If you do not have Superuser rights, the network manager should
conduct the configuration.
2. Register the IP address of the network card and the host name
in the /etc/hosts file.
Example: for IP address and host name c7300v2 c7300v2
3. Use the ping command to confirm connection with the network
Example: for host name c7300v2
# ping c7300v2
If there is no reply, then there is a problem with the configuration of
the IP address (the IP address has already been set manually or
dynamically) or with the network. Reset the network interface card
settings to their defaults and then try to set a temporary IP address. If
you still have the problem after resetting the network interface card,
consult the network manager.
4. Register the printer in the /etc/printcap file.
Example: for host name c7300v2, to create a queue called c7300v2_lp
c7300v2_lp: \
c7300v2_lp The name of the printer queue
The name of the device used to connect to the
printer. Does not need to be specified for a remote
The name of the host of the remote printer. This
should be the same as the name added to the /etc/
hosts file.
The name of the printer on the remote printer. It
should be lp.
The spool directory. Give the absolute path.
The error log file. Give the absolute path.
5. Create the spool directory and error log file.
Example: for spool Directory c7300v2_lp and Error Log file
# mkdir /usr/spool/c7300v2_lp
# touch /usr/spool/c7300v2_lp/c7300v2_lp_errs
# chown –R daemon /usr/spool/c7300v2_lp
# chgrp –R # daemon /usr/spool/c7300v2_lp
6. Check that lpd (printer daemon) is activated.
# ps aux | grep lpd
7. If lpd is not running, you can start it by logging in as superuser
and executing
# /usr/lib/lpd &
Sun Solaris 2.x configuration
Admintool is normally used to register remote printers on Open
Windows. However, it cannot be used here, as the data recipient and
queue have the same name. The procedure below must be used for
registering a remote printer.
If Solaris 2.x is connected to the remote printer for a long period
according to the system specifications, errors and forced
disconnection may occur. Therefore, if paper tearing, off-line and
other errors result in waiting time, printing may have to be aborted.
if an incorrect IP address is entered, the network may go down or
other damage may occur. Configure after consulting the network
The following explanation uses Sun Solaris 2.8 (known as Solaris 8)
and a C7300V2 printer as examples. The absolute path and method of
configuring commands may differ in other versions of the OS. Refer to
the workstation manual for more details.
1. Confirm that the IP address of the printer has been set.
2. Login as [root] to the workstation. If you do not have superuser
rights, the network manager should conduct the configuration.
3. Register the IP address of the network card and the host name
in /etc/hosts file.
Example: for IP Address and host name c7300v2 c7300v2
4. Use the ping command to confirm connection with the network
Example: for host name c7300v2
# ping c7300v2
If there is no reply, there is a problem with the configuration of the IP
address (the IP address has already been set manually or
dynamically), or with the network.
Reset the network interface card settings to default and try to set a
temporary IP address. If you still have the problem after resetting the
network interface card, consult the network manager.
5. Register the network card as a remote printer server.
Example: for host name c7300v2
a. Stop the print scheduler.
# usr/sbin/lpshut
b. Create the printer queue.
# /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p c7300v2_lp -v /dev/null \
-m netstandard -o dest=c7300v2:lp
-o protocol=bsd
c. Set the queue to accept PostScript print jobs.
# /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p c7300v2_lp -I postscript
d. Start the print scheduler.
# /usr/sbin/lpsched
e. Activate the print queue.
# /usr/sbin/accept c7300v2_lp
f. Enable the print queue
# /bin/enable c7300v2_lp
To customise output, for example to add additional commands at the
start of each print job, you can edit a copy of the netstandard model
file then add it using the lpadmin command.
Example: for printer c7300v2_lp, with model file called
# /usr/sbin/lpshut
# /usr/sbin/lpadmin –p c7300v2_lp –m c7300v2_model
# /usr/sbin/lpsched
HP-UX 10.x configuration
If an incorrect IP Address, Subnet Mask or Gateway is entered, the
network may go down or other damage may occur. Check the address
with the network manager.
The following example uses HP-UX10.20 and a C7300V2 printer as
examples. The absolute path and method of configuring commands
may differ in other versions of the OS. Refer to the workstation manual
for more details.
1. Confirm that the IP address of the printer has been set. See
network interface card IP address configuration for more
2. Login as [root] to the workstation. If you do not have superuser
rights, the network manager should conduct the configuration.
3. Register the IP Address of the network card and the host name
in the /etc/hosts file.
Example: for IP Address and host name c7300v2 c7300v2
4. Use the ping command to confirm connection with the network
Example: for host name c7300v2
# ping c7300v2
If there is no reply, there is a problem with the configuration of the IP
address (the IP address has already been set manually or
dynamically), or with the network. Reset the network interface card
settings to default and try to set a temporary IP address. If you still
have the problem after resetting the network interface card, consult
the network manager.
5. If remote spooling is not already enabled on the HP-UX machine,
carry out the following configuration.
a. Stop the printer spooler.
# /usr/sbin/lpshut
b. Add the following line to the /etc/inetd.conf file and register
the remote spooler.
printer stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/rlpdameon –I
c. Restart inetd
# /etc/inetd –c
6. Register the remote printer
Example: setting up a queue called c7300v2_lp to print to host
d. Register the remote printer.
# /usr/sbin/lpadmin -pc7300v2_lp -v /dev/null
-mrmodel \-ormc7300v2 -orplp -ocmrcmodel
-osmrsmodel -ob3
e. Activate the print queue.
# /usr/sbin/accept c7300v2_lp
f. Enable the print queue.
# /bin/enable c7300v2_lp
g. Enable the printer spooler.
# /usr/sbin/lpsched
To customise output, for example, to add additional commands at the
start of each print job, you can edit a copy of the /usr/spool/lp/model/
rmodel model file then add it using the lpadmin command.
Example: for printer c7300v2_lp, with model file called
# /usr/sbin/lpshut
# /usr/sbin/lpadmin –pc7300v2_lp –mc7300v2_model
# /usr/sbin/lpsched
AIX 4.1.5 configuration
The following explanation uses AIX4.1.5 and a C7300V2 printer as
examples. The absolute path of commands and the method of
configuring may differ with the OS version. Refer to the workstation’s
manual. If an incorrect IP address is entered, the network may go
down or other damage may occur. Configure after consulting the
network manager.
1. Log in as [root]. If you do not have superuser rights, the network
manager should conduct the configuration.
2. Register the IP address and the host name in the /etc/hosts file.
Example: for IP Address and host name c7300v2 c7300v2
3. Use the ping command to confirm connection with the network
Example: for host name c7300v2
# ping c7300v2
If there is no reply, there is a problem with the configuration of the IP
address (the IP address has already been set manually or
dynamically), or with the network. Reset the network interface card
settings to default and try to set a temporary IP address. If you still
have the problem after resetting the network interface card, consult
the network manager.
4. Register the host that was previously registered as the print
Example: for the c7300v2 registered as the print server
a. Add the print server.
# ruser –a –p c7300v2
b. Activate the remote printer daemon.
# startsrc –s lpd
# mkitab ‘lpd:2:once:startsrc –s lpd’
5. Add the print queue using the smit command.
a. Activate the smit command and convert to the item [Add print
# smit mkrque
b. Select [remote] (the printer connected to the remote host) from
[Type of connection].
c. Select [Standard procedure] from Type of remote print.
d. Carry out the following settings in [Add a standard remote print
queue]. If the configuration differs from below, configure
according to environment.
Example: Use port lp with print queue c7300v2_lp and print server
Queue to be added
Host name of the remote server
Queue name of the remote server
Type of print spooler
of the remote server
Description of printer name
of the remote server
“Optional comment”
LPD Printing
Line Printer Daemon (LPD) is the most common protocol for printing with
TCP/IP to a network printer. Refer to the workstation’s manual for details
of lpr and lp commands. The following explanation in this section uses the
printing of print file test.prn with printer name c7300v2_lp as an example.
Logical printers
The printer’s network interface includes three logical printers.
lp must be used for printing a file created using the printer driver.
sjis must be used for printing a text file of Shift JIS Kanji code.
euc must be used for the printing a text file of the EUC Kanji code.
Logical printer
Printer function
For direct output
For Shift JIS Kanji converted output
For EUC Kanji converted output
sjis and euc function only as PostScript printers.
BSD-based UNIX
Print using the lpr command.
# lpr –Pc7300v2_lp test.prn
If the lprm command is used, the print job is cancelled.
Example: To delete a print job (Job ID 123) on the c7300v2_lp
# lprm –Pc7300v2_lp 123
Verify the printer status using the lpq command.
The result of lpq may not be displayed correctly depending on
UNIX operating system specification.
While the short format of lpq is a UNIX compatible format, the
long format is unique to this network interface.
Example of the short format: # lpq –Pc7300v2_lp
Example of the long format: # lpq –l -Pc7300v2_lp
System V-based UNIX
Print using the lp command.
# lp –d c7300v2_lp test.prn
Delete a print job using cancel command.
Example: To delete a print job (Job ID 456) in the c7300v2_lp
# cancel c7300v2_lp -456
Verify the printer status using the lpstat command.
# lpstat –pc7300v2_lp
The result of lpstat may not be displayed correctly depending on
UNIX operating system specification (e.g. Solaris 2.x).
FTP printing
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used for transferring a file with TCP/IP. If
the print data is sent to a logical printer via FTP, it is printed.
Refer to the workstation’s manual for details of the ftp command. The
following explanation uses print file test.prn with printer name
c7300v2_lp as an example.
Logical directories
The printer’s network interface includes three logical directories.
lp must be used for printing a file created using the printer driver.
sjis must be used for printing a text file of Shift JIS Kanji code.
euc must be used for the printing a text file of the EUC Kanji code
Logical directory Printer function
For direct output
For Shift JIS Kanji converted output
For EUC Kanji converted output
jis and euc function only as PostScript printers.
You can not send data to the root directory.
1. Login to the network interface card.
When printing with ftp, use any values for name and password.
However, if the user name is [root], the password set under TELNET or
the utility is required. See the appropriate section for details.
Example: Logging in with host name c7300v2 (or IP address
# ftp c7300v2 (or ftp
Connected to c7300v2
220 EthernetBoard OkiLAN 8100e Ver 01.50 FTP Server
Name (c7300v2:<none>) : root
331 Password required.
230 User Logged in
The network card logical directory structure is hierarchical. Move to the
logical directory; it is not possible to output print data to the root
2. Move to the preferable logical directory using the cd command.
Example: moving to the lp directory and confirming the current
ftp> cd /lp
250 Command OK.
ftp> pwd
257 ”/lp” is current directory
3. Configure the transfer mode
There are two types of transfer mode: BINARY mode, in which the file
content is output as it is and ASCII mode, which converts the LF code
to the CR+LF code. If a binary file converted by the printer driver is
transferred, the transfer mode has to be BINARY mode.
Example: changing transfer mode to binary mode and verifying the
current mode
ftp> type binary
200 Type set to I.
ftp> type
Using binary mode to transfer files.
4. Transfer the print data to the network card using the put
command. Two methods of file transfer using the put command
are available.
Example: transferring print data test.prn
ftp> put test.prn
Example: transferring print data specified by absolute path/users/
ftp> put /users/test/test.prn /lp
5. Logout from the network card using the quit command
ftp> quit
Three states can be verified using the quote command stat: the IP
address, login user name and transfer mode. In addition, printer status
can be verified by specifying the directory after the stat (lp, sjis, euc).
Example: displaying network card status
ftp> quote stat
211-FTP server status:
Connected to:
User logged in: root
Transfer type: BINARY
Data connection: Closed.
211 End of status.
Example: displaying the network card status (directory name: lp)
ftp> quote stat /lp
211-FTP directory status:
211 End of status
The printer supports the Apple Macintosh AppleTalk environment.
This guide is for administrators and it should be read in conjunction
with the relevant Macintosh manual. The latest Macintosh service
packs should be installed.
Supported Versions
All Macintosh operating systems from OS 8.1 are supported.
Printing the Network Interface Card Configuration Sheet
The printer’s configuration page reports information that is required
for Macintosh configuration. To print a configuration page, while the
printer is switched on, depress the NIC’s push-button for three
seconds and then release.
The first six characters of the Ethernet address are the same for all
OkiLAN 8100e type network cards. The last six characters of the
Ethernet address are unique to each card.
Apple Macintosh 93
Setup Utilities for Mac OS 8.x and 9.x
Use the Oki Network Card Setup Utility (Macintosh) to assign an IP
address and configure the network interface card. For instructions
please refer to the Configuration Utility section and on-line help.
There are three items that need to be configured for EtherTalk.
1. Use EtherTalk Protocol
Please check the Use EtherTalk Protocol checkbox.
2. Printer Name
Give the Printer Name as you would like it to appear in the Chooser
3. Zone Name
If your network uses Zones, please enter the Zone Name here,
otherwise leave as is.
AppleTalk Configuration
To enable network printing from the Macintosh, you must configure
AppleTalk to connect via Ethernet.
1. From the Apple menu select [Control Panels – AppleTalk].
2. From the AppleTalk configuration page select [Connect via:
3. In Setup Current Zone, if used, make sure that your zone
information is correct.
Apple Macintosh 94
4. Close the AppleTalk configuration page and save changes to
current configuration when prompted.
5. Configuration is now complete and you are ready to install your
printer driver. Please enter your driver CD, run the installer and
follow the on-screen instructions.
Macintosh OS X
The OkiLAN 8100e NIC is also supported in the Macintosh OS X
Run the installer on the driver CD to install the printer’s PPD file.
In OS X you need to make sure that AppleTalk is turned on in order to
connect to an AppleTalk printer.
Apple Macintosh 95
1. To switch AppleTalk on, open [System Preferences], click
[Network] then click [AppleTalk].
2. Check the [Make AppleTalk Active] check box and if your
network uses AppleTalk Zones, enter the appropriate zone
information and click [Apply Now].
In Mac OS X use the Print Centre to select network printers, not the
Before you can use a printer it must appear in the printer list in Print
3. Click on [Add Printer], make sure that the connection method is
LPR and assign its IP address.
4. Either assign a queue name or check to use the default queue
on server checkbox.
5. Under Printer Model select from the list the PPD file that you
installed earlier for the printer and click [Add].
These are all the steps that are necessary to setup the printer for
network printing in Macintosh OS X.
Apple Macintosh 96
The network addresses used in this manual are shown for example
only. Network addresses used in your installation must be generated
from your own network.
Self-diagnostic test
Printer does not print.
Ensure the printer emulation is set to PS or Automatic.
NG is printed in the Self-diagnostic test.
Flash ROM Check registers NG.
Confirm that the network interface card (NIC) is installed correctly and
turn the printer off and on again.
Initialize the NIC.
Troubleshooting 97
Computer cannot find the network interface card.
Turn the printer off and on again.
Confirm the network interface is enabled on the printer.
Check there is a response to the PING command.
Check that the network cable is correctly connected and that the
green LED close to the printer’s network interface is lit. If not, change
the cable and try again.
Run the Self-diagnostic test.
Check the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway are correct.
Check that the TCP/IP protocol is set to Enable.
Reset the network interface card to factory default settings.
If DHCP, BOOTP and RARP are not used, ensure they have been set to
Cannot print with lpr and ftp.
Turn the printer off and on again.
Check there is a response to the ping command.
Check the network cable is correctly connected.
Change the cable and try again.
Check the host name and IP address are configured in the
Check the printer port name is configured in the workstation.
There are three port names: lp, euc and sjis. Use lp by default as euc
and sjis are specific to PostScript printers.
Troubleshooting 98
Incorrect User name on the banner page.
If printing with lpr, the User name printed is unknown and the
Filename printed is the Spool file name.
If printing with FTP, the User name printed is the User name entered
during FTP login and the File name printed is the Transmitted file
name. If the Print Directory name is indicated in the put command, the
File name is not printed. The Printer name printed is the Logical
Directory name.
Printer cannot find the network interface card.
Turn the printer off and on again.
Confirm the network interface is enabled on the printer.
Check that the network cable is correctly connected and that the
green LED close to the printer’s network interface is lit. If not, change
the cable and try again.
If the standard configuration utility is used, check the NetWare
network number in the environment settings.
If the NetWare protocol is disabled, set it to Enable.
Reset the network interface card to factory default settings.
The network interface card is identified by the setup utility but not by
the NetWare server.
Start up the NetWare server and check the NIC configuration.
Check the NSAP packet on the NetWare server is not set to Disable.
Remote Server mode
Check the correct print server is operating on the file server.
Check the Print Server name operating on the File Server and the Print
Server name set in the NIC are the same.
Troubleshooting 99
Check the Printer name displayed in the Print Server monitor of the
File Server and the NetWare Port name set in the NIC are the same. If
there are multiple network interface cards, configure the NetWare Port
names to be different.
Print Server mode
Check the File Server name set in the NIC and on the File Server are the
Check the Printer name set in the File Server and the NetWare Port
name set in the NIC are the same. If there are multiple NICs, configure
the NetWare Port names to be different.
Check the NetWare login password is correct.
Check the Machine name is the same as the Print Server name set in
the File Server.
Printer does not print.
Check the network cable is correctly connected.
Change the cable and try again.
Turn the printer off and on again.
Check the NIC is connected to the File Server.
Check the printer driver has been mapped to the correct netware
PostScript error occurs if a Banner Page is printed.
A PostScript Banner page cannot be printed in NetWare 3.12 Remote
Printer mode. If a PostScript printer is used and a Banner Page is
printed, PostScript error is displayed. Turn the banner output Off in
the client’s printer settings.
Not identified by the Chooser and the Setup Utility.
Troubleshooting 100
Turn the printer off and on again.
Check the network cable is correctly connected.
Change the cable and try again.
If the network resides in a Zone, check the correct Zone name is
selected in the Chooser.
Check the Zone name in the utility related to the NIC is the same as the
Zone name set in NIC.
Check AppleTalk, which is displayed at the right bottom of the
Chooser, is set to Enable. (In some OS versions Network is used
instead of AppleTalk.)
Check Ethernet is selected in AppleTalk. (In some OS versions
Network is used instead of AppleTalk.)
Check the print driver is selected in the Chooser.
Check the EtherTalk protocol is set to Enable.
Print the NIC settings and confirm that the EtherTalk Port name is not
The network interface card is not identified.
Turn the printer off and on again.
Check the network cable is correctly connected.
Change the cable and try again.
Check Microsoft network client and NetBEUI have been added to the
network section of the control panel.
Check the NetBEUI protocol is set to Enable.
Check the factory setting of the workgroup name is PrintServer and
the computer name is ML+ the last six characters of the MAC address.
Troubleshooting 101
Check the computer name of the NIC is different from the computer
name on the network.
Troubleshooting 102
Error writing to Prn1.
Check the printer is online.
If there is an error message indicating the paper has run out, add
more paper and cancel the error.
Check whether another user is printing. Print after the other user has
Network Interface Card
Novell Directory Service
Novell Distributed Print Services
Internet Print
Internet Printing Protocol
Troubleshooting 103
Troubleshooting 104
The following table explains how to set up the E-Mail Alert function via
7: Setup SMTP 1: SMTP Transmit
Set sending E-Mail via SMTP,
enabled or disabled.
2: SMTP Receive
Set receiving E-Mail via
SMTP, enabled or disabled.
3: SMTP Server
Set IP address or host name
of SMTP server.
4: SMTP Port
Set port number of SMTP.
5: E-mail Address
Set the E-Mail address used
for [From] field in the mail
6: Reply-To
Set the E-Mail address used
for [Reply-To] field in the mail
7: Destination
Address 1–
1: To Address 1–5
2: Notify mode
Up to five E-Mail addresses to
which E-Mail alerts can be
11: Destination
Address 5
Select how to notify
warnings/errors via E-
Mail.When any specified
status changes, E-Mail is sent
immediately if "EVENT" is
selected, or periodically if
"PERIOD" is selected.
3: Check time (hours) Set duration (1-24 hours) to
send E-Mail when you select
"PERIOD" as Notify mode.
Appendix– E-Mail Alert Function 105
4: Consumable
These events can be included
in E-Mail alerts.In PERIOD
mode, set to "enabled" to
include these events in E-Mail
alerts.In "EVENT" mode, set
to "enabled" to send an E-
Mail alert when any of these
warnings are detected.When
enabled, "delay time" (0 - 48
hours) can be set.If the cause
is cleared during the delay
time, the E-Mail alert is not
5: Consumable Error
6: Maintenance
7: Maintenance Error
8: Paper Warning
9: Paper Error
10: Printing Warning
11: Printing Error
12: HDD/Flash
13: Print Result
14: Print Result Error
15: Other Error
16: Interface
17: Interface Error
99: Back to prior
12: Additional Info 1: Printer Model
2: Network Interface
3: Serial Number
Set whether these items are
included in the E-Mail body.
4: Asset Number
5: System Name
6: System Location
7: IP Address
8: Ethernet Address
9: Computer Name
10: Printer URL
99: Back to prior
13: Comment
Line 1
Set up to four signature lines.
Signature is added to the
bottom of an E-Mail.
16: Comment
Line 4
99: Back to prior
Appendix– E-Mail Alert Function 106
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