MAX® 5300-EX Owner’s Guide
LEVEL 4 EMI/RFI Noise Filtration with Isolation Between Outlet Banks:
Your audio/video components are constantly
being bombarded by electromagnetic interfer-
ence (EMI) and radio frequency interference
(RFI) through their power cords. This contam-
inated power can affect audio/video equipment
and will degrade the overall performance of
your entire system. Common symptoms of
contaminated power include pops, hisses,
hums and visual artifacts.
The MAX 5300-EX is designed to filter this
noise, supply clean power to your system and
provide noise isolation between the outlet so
that any noise created by an A/V component
can not contaminate the power going to equip-
ment plugged into the other outlet banks.
Model: M5300-EX
K 1
Theater Power Conditioner
Key Features
Sequential Startup/Shutdown:
The MAX® 5300-EX voltage sense trigger input
uses a standard 3.5mm (1/8") mini-plug jack.
This jack has an electrically isolated switch built
in. If nothing is inserted into the input jack, the
voltage sense is bypassed and the Power
Button on the front panel has sole control of the
startup/shutdown sequence. If a plug is insert-
ed into the input jack, the front panel switch is
bypassed and the voltage sense becomes the
startup/shutdown trigger. IMPORTANT, Please
Note: The unit needs to be plugged in, and in
the powered OFF state before inserting the DC
input trigger mini-plug.
• When subjected to a 6,000V (open circuit
voltage) / 500A (short circuit current) surge,
the MAX® 5300-EX limits its voltage output to
less than 330V peak, UL’s best rating. The
MAX® 5300-EX will withstand, without dam-
age, 20,000A surges, far exceeding the UL
requirement of only 3000 Ampere surges.
Cable TV (Including HDTV) – TV tuners oper-
ate at approximately 10 millivolts (0.01 V) and
utilize the frequency spectrum up to 950 MHz.
The clamping level of the MAX® 5300-EX's
cable TV protection circuitry is 1400 millivolts
(1.4 volts). That's less than 1 volt above nor-
mal operating levels. The circuitry is also
shielded to prevent interference.
Complex audio/video systems may be suscep-
tible to voltage transients generated internally
at start-up/shutdown if all of the equipment is
powered on or off at the same time. This can
cause speaker “thumps” which are not only
annoying but can also damage the speakers.
The MAX® 5300-EX is designed to eliminate
these transients by providing a “start-up” delay
for the High-Current outlets and a “shutdown”
delay for the Switched Outlet Bank. This allows
the components plugged into the Switched
Outlet Bank to power-up and stabilize before
any amplifiers and powered sub-woofers are
turned on. This sequence is reversed during
shutdown. The amplifiers and powered sub-
woofers turn off, their power supplies drain,
and then the equipment plugged into the
Switched Outlet Bank is turned off.
• If the magnitude of the surge is greater than
the capacity of the surge protection compo-
nents, the MAX® 5300-EX's Protect or
Disconnect‘ Circuitry will disconnect your
equipment in order to protect it. The MAX®
5300-EX will need to be repaired or replaced by
Panamax if this occurs.
Satellite TV - Satellite dish LNB's can require
up to 24 volts to operate and utilize the fre-
quency range of 950 MHz to 2.2 GHz. The
clamping level of the MAX® 5300-EX's satellite
protection circuitry is 25 volts - just 1 volt
above the maximum operating voltage. The
circuitry is also shielded to prevent interfer-
Automatic Over & Under Voltage Protection:
Panamax’s patent pending power monitoring
circuitry constantly monitors the AC line volt-
age for unsafe voltage conditions such as pro-
longed over-voltages and under-voltages
(brownouts). These unsafe conditions pose a
very dangerous threat to all electronic equip-
ment within the home. If the MAX® 5300-EX
senses an unsafe power condition, it will auto-
matically disconnect your equipment from the
power to protect equipment from damage.
Once the voltage returns to a safe level, the
MAX® 5300-EX will automatically reconnect
the power.
Application Specific Coaxial Signal Line
Panamax's exclusive SignalPerfect™ Technolo-
gy provides application specific protection for
your satellite and cable TV equipment. Two
lines of protection are provided for each type.
The satellite connection is for a coaxial cable
connected to a DBS (single or dual LNB) satel-
lite dish. The antenna connection is for a non-
amplified off-air antenna or cable TV line.
Telephone Line Protection:
Digital video recorders and satellite TV
receivers require a telephone line connection
for TV show scheduling and/or Pay-Per-View
services. The MAX® 5300-EX also provides
surge protection for this line. One pair of RJ-
11 telephone jacks is provided for this. The cir-
cuitry utilizes auto-resetting PTCRs and solid-
state SIDACtors“ for reliability and unsur-
passed protection. The clamping level of the
MAX 5300-EX's telephone protector is 260
volts. This will allow typical ring voltage (90-
130VAC) and operating battery voltage (-48DC)
to pass through the circuit and still protect the
modem in your satellite receiver from damage.
Voltage Sense Trigger:
This feature provides an ON/OFF trigger for the
MAX® 5300-EX using a Direct Current voltage
signal. Many components such as pre-ampli-
fiers and receivers have a DC trigger built in,
and will transmit a constant power signal when
turned on and in use. The presence of this
power signal will turn on the MAX® 5300-EX’s
switched outlets. When the source component
is turned off, the voltage trigger signal is also
turned off and the MAX ® 5300-EX’s shutdown
sequence is initiated. An AC Adapter of the
appropriate voltage, plugged into a switched
outlet, may also be used if a DC trigger is not
built in.
The protection circuitry has been optimized for
each application and is not interchangeable.
The jacks are not labeled In and Out. The cir-
cuitry is bidirectional in both signal transmis-
sion and protection capabilities, making it com-
patible with the latest digital cable and satellite
Protect or Disconnect AC Surge Protection:
When the MAX® 5300-EX is subjected to a
high voltage surge, its voltage output is limited
to a safe level and the high levels of surge cur-
rent are diverted away from the connected
INS0786E Rev A 5/05
M5300-EX Specifications
AC Power
Telephone Circuit
Line Voltage:..............................................................................120V, 60Hz
Total Current Capacity:.........................................................................15 A
UL1449 Suppression Rating:..............................................................330V
Protection Modes:.................................................................L-N, L-G, N-G
Initial Clamping Level:.........................................................................200V
Energy Dissipation:..................................................................1815 Joules
Peak Impulse Current:............................................................73,000 Amps
Catastrophic Surge Circuit:....................................................................Yes
Thermal Fusing:.....................................................................................Yes
Over-voltage shutoff:........................................................142 VAC 5 VAC
Under-voltage shutoff:........................................................90 VAC 3VAC
EMI/RFI Noise Filtration
Clamping Level:..................................................................................260V
Capacitance:.........................................................................30pf (approx.)
Suppression Modes:...............................................Metallic & Longitudinal
Wires Protected:.............................................................2-Wire, Pins 4 & 5
Satellite TV Circuit
Clamping Level:....................................................................................25V
Attenuation:.................................................< 1db from 950MHz -2.05GHz
< 2.4db @ 2.2GHz
Banks 1 & 2:........................................................90 db, 100 KHz – 2 MHz
Bank 3, High Current Outlets:..............................60 db, 100 KHz – 2 MHz
Connections:..........................................................Female “F”, Gold Plated
DC Trigger Input
Cable TV Circuit
Jacks:....................................................................3.5mm (1/8”) mini-plug
Voltage and Polarity:.............................................3 - 24V DC, bidirectional
Current Requirement:........................................4.6 mA @3V, 58 mA @24V
Clamping Level:...................................................................................1.4V
Attenuation:.................................................................< 1db up to 950MHz
Connections:..........................................................Female “F”, Gold Plated
LAN Circuit
Clamping Level:..............................................................................8V 2V
Wires Protected:...................................................4-Wires, Pins 1, 2, 3 & 6
Specifications are subject to changes due to product upgrades and improvements.
Contacting Panamax
Two coaxial cables
1690 Corporate Circle
Petaluma, CA 94954
Phone - 707-283-5900 or 800-472-5555
Fax - 707-283-5901
One telephone patch cord
Rack mount bracket kit
Customer Relations
7:30 AM – 4:30 PM, M-F
Email -
Power Cord
Product warranty (see back panel)
© 2005 Panamax. Panamax, MAX and the Panamax logo are registered US trademarks of Panamax. Protect or Disconnect and SignalPerfect are trademarks of Panamax.
SIDACtor is a registered US trademark of Teccor Electronics, Inc.
Panamax Power Conditioner Limited Product Warranty
Panamax warrants to the purchaser of this
Panamax audio/video component style power
conditioner, for a period of three (3) years from
the date of purchase, that the unit shall be free
of defects in design, material or workmanship,
and Panamax will repair or replace any defec-
tive unit. For product replacement see "NOTIFI-
CATION" below.
nents. Due to the nature of electricity and
surges, a single protector may not be able to
completely protect complex installations. In
those cases, a systemic approach using multi-
ple protectors must be employed. Systemic
protection requires professional design. AC
power, satellite cables, CATV cables, tele-
phone/network lines or any other signal lines
entering the system that do not pass through
this surge protector may render the Panamax
Connected Equipment Protection Policy null
and void. For additional information on how to
protect your system, please contact Panamax
before connecting your equipment to the surge
installations. For a list of Authorized Panamax
Internet Dealers go to
More detailed information is available at
Panamax products purchased through the
Internet do not carry a valid Product Warranty
or Connected Equipment Protection Policy
unless purchased from an Authorized Panamax
Internet Dealer and the original factory serial
numbers are intact (they must not have been
removed, defaced or replaced in any way).
Authorized Panamax Internet Dealers have suf-
ficient expertise to insure warranty compliant
If you have any questions regarding these
requirements, please contact Panamax
Customer Relations
Audio/Video, computer and/or telephone sys-
tem installations can be very complex systems,
which consist of many interconnected compo-
Panamax Power Conditioner Limited Connected Equipment Protection Warranty
Valid only in the United States and Canada.
It is the policy of Panamax that it will, at its
election, either replace, pay to replace at fair
market value, or pay to repair, up to the dollar
amount specified below, equipment that is
damaged by an AC power, cable, telephone, or
lightning surge while connected to a properly
installed Panamax power conditioner.
Panamax must determine that the power condi-
tioner shows signs of surge damage or is oper-
ating outside of design specifications, relative
to its surge protection capability, and under all
of the circumstances failed to protect your con-
nected equipment.
3. NOTIFICATION: You must notify Panamax
within ten days of any event precipitating a
request for product replacement or payment for
connected equipment damage. A return mer-
chandise authorization (RMA) number must
first be obtained from the Panamax Customer
Relations Department at
support ** before returning the protector to
Panamax. At this time, you must notify
Panamax if you believe you have a claim for
damaged connected equipment.
Panamax reserves the right to inspect the dam-
aged connected equipment, parts, or circuit
boards. Please note that you are responsible
for any and all charges related to shipping the
damaged equipment to Panamax. Panamax
also reserves the right to inspect the cus-
tomer’s facility. Damaged equipment deemed
uneconomical to repair must remain available
for inspection by Panamax until the claim is
or controversy between you and Panamax. The
arbitration shall be held in any mutually agreed
upon location in person, by telephone, or
online. Any decision rendered in such arbitra-
tion proceedings will be final and binding on
each of the parties, and judgment may be
entered thereon in a court of competent juris-
diction. The arbitrator shall not award either
party special, exemplary, consequential, puni-
tive, incidental or indirect damages, or attor-
ney's fees. The parties will share the costs of
arbitration (including the arbitrator's fees, if
any) in the proportion that the final award bears
to the amount of the initial claim.
Once you obtain an RMA number, please mark
the number on the bottom of the unit and pack
it in a shipping carton/box with enough packing
material to protect it during transit. The RMA
number must also be clearly marked on the
outside of the carton. Ship the unit to
Panamax. Please note that you are responsible
for any and all charges related to shipping the
unit to Panamax.
5. REQUEST PAYMENTS: Once Panamax has
determined that you are entitled to compensa-
tion, Panamax will, at its election, either pay
you the present fair market value of the dam-
aged equipment, or pay for the cost of the
repair, or send you replacement equipment, or
pay the equivalence of replacement equipment.
M4300-EX: $5,000,000
M5300-EX: $5,000,000
M5510-Pro: $5,000,000
9. GENERAL: If you have any questions regard-
ing the product warranty or the connected
equipment protection warranty, please contact
the Panamax Customer Relations Department
supersedes all previous warranties. THIS IS
TENT. This warranty may not be modified
except in writing, signed by an officer of the
Panamax Corporation.
M5400-EX: $5,000,000
erage is secondary to any existing manufactur-
er's warranty, implied or expressed, or any
insurance and/or service contract that may
cover the loss.
M5100-EX: $5,000,000
M5500-EX: $5,000,000
If connected equipment damage was indicated
on your RMA request, Panamax will mail you a
claim kit to be completed and returned within
30 days. A connection diagram of your sys-
tem will be required as part of the claim kit.
Be sure to note its configuration before dis-
connecting your equipment.
Panamax’s connected equipment policy
extends to the original purchaser of the
Panamax product only and is non-transferable.
Original purchase receipts must accompany
any product return or claim for connected
equipment damage.
APPLY TO: Service charges, installation costs,
reinstallation costs; setup cost; diagnostic
charges; periodic checkups; routine mainte-
nance; loss of use of the product; costs or
expenses arising out of reprogramming or loss
of programming and/or data; shipping charges
or fees; service calls; loss or damage occa-
sioned by fire, theft, flood, wind, accident,
abuse or misuse, and products subject to man-
ufacturer's recall or similar event.
* The use of a Panamax extension cord or equiv-
alent (UL or CSA listed, minimum 14AWG, 3-wire
grounded) will not invalidate the warranty
evaluate the protector for surge damage. The
Panamax protector must show signs of surge
damage or must be performing outside (>10%)
of design specifications relative to its surge
protection capability. Opening the enclosure,
tampering with, or modifying the unit in any
way shall be grounds for an automatic denial of
your request for payment. Panamax, after eval-
uating all information provided, shall determine
whether or not your request is eligible for pay-
** Forms are available on the Panamax web
site for requesting RMAs and opening a claim
for connected equipment damage.
tectors must be directly plugged into a proper-
ly grounded 3-wire AC outlet. Extension
cords*, non-grounded two prong adapters, or
other non-Panamax surge products must not
be used. Building wiring and other connections
to protected equipment must conform to appli-
cable codes (NEC or CEC). No other ground
wires or ground connections may be used. All
wires (including, e.g., AC power lines, tele-
phone lines, signal/data lines, coaxial cable,
antenna lead-ins) leading into the protected
equipment must first pass through a single
Panamax protector designed for the particular
application. The protector and the equipment
to be protected must be indoors in a dry loca-
tion, and in the same building. Panamax instal-
lation instructions and diagrams must be fol-
Effective Date 06/05
Q01L0049 Rev. A
Product Upgrade Program
Valid only in the United States and Canada
If the surge protector shows no signs of AC
power or signal line surge damage and is work-
ing within design specifications, Panamax will
return the unit to you with a letter explaining the
test results and notifying you of the rejection of
your claim. Exceptions: If a dealer or installer
8. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Any controversy or
claim arising out of or relating to Panamax’s
Connected Equipment Protection Policy, or the
alleged breach thereof, shall be settled by arbi-
tration administered by the American
Arbitration Association under its Commercial
Arbitration Rules. You may file for arbitration at
any AAA location in the United States upon the
payment of the applicable filing fee. The arbi-
tration will be conducted before a single arbi-
trator, and will be limited solely to the dispute
If your Panamax power conditioner sacrifices
itself while protecting your connected equip-
ment, you have an option to upgrade to the lat-
est technology. Please go to our web site
Customer Relations at 800-472-5555 for
replaces the protector for the customer,
replacement will be returned to the dealer or
installer; or if the protector is pre-1996
model, it will be replaced; or, for a Canadian
customer, the protector will be replaced.
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